Chapter III

He was back home,

The thousand white deities of the Sky
On the moon were getting just together
For a good council, they say,
On the star were getting just together
For a wise and sharp council.

When they all got together,
Khan Khyormos-heaven’s
Eldest son,
[Geser’s] brother Dashin Shokhor
Was strictly asked:

“Why have you thrown
Ata Ulan-heaven
Onto the Earth?
Because of the filth and evil
That you have thrown

Upon the Earth,
There’s no living
In the Sky and on the Earth
Because of  the stink and stench.
Be quick and clean [the Earth]!”

Thus they requested of Dashin Shokhor,
“Which of you has thrown down that?
Your father is a reveler and idler, he really is!
[That evil spirit Ata Ulan] on the whole Earth
Snaps and grabs the animals and beasts,

Just all and every creature,
He swallows in a row all that comes across.
Where should the animals and beasts
Get just away from him?
Dashin Shokhor, the daring fellow,

Go ahead and deal with that enemy!
Just do whatever should be done,
Abai Geser is still so small!”
When being so pressed on
He uttered the right word:

“Your baby that threw down the enemy
Is staying home in the cradle,
Your baby that enhanced the darkhans’ glory
Is lying home [in the cradle],
Send him [and that’s that].”

And they called Abai Geser the chap.
Abai Geser the chap
With no pants, half-naked,
With no coat, in a shirt,
A three-year-old little boy

Soon came to them.
When he came
They asked him:
“Have you conquered
That great enemy

Or, maybe, someone else has conquered him?”
Abai Geser the chap answered:
“It’s true that I have thrown him down,
I stabbed my father’s shining silver saber
Just in his open arm-pit on the right.

It is plain truth
That I have thrown him
Down onto the Earth.”
He uttered the right word.
“The baby who was born when parents were old,

Abai Geser, whatever can he do?
Dashin Shokhor, the daring fellow,
You’d better go, dear,
And defeat the enemy!”
The thousand celestial white deities

Persuaded him and urged.
When they were persuading and compelling him
The elder brother Dashin Shokhor said:
“Here’s the girl who threw down [that filth]!
You just send him, I’m not the one

To win the victory,” with these words
He sprang up to his feet and was away.
“Abai Geser, the daring fellow,
You dear, go!” said
The thousand celestial white deities

Who got together on the star
To hold a wise council.
They urged and eagerly persuaded him.
“I will sure go,
The thousand celestial white deities,

Will you give me what I ask for,
Will you do whatever I wish?”
Thus asking was he.
“We’ll give you what you ask for,
We’ll do whatever you wish,

Abai Geser-sonny,
What are you asking for?”
The thousand celestial white deities
Said the right words.
“My thousand celestial white deities,

Will you let my three cuckoo sisters
Go down with me?
Will you make
My life invulnerable,
And build a palace

Where it won’t be hot
In the scorching heat!”
Such a request [he] made.
The thousand celestial
White deities