Chapter XVIII

With great difficulty [Geser]

Caught up with those two monsters,
Whipping horses both sides
They were riding.
The Asurai thirteen-headed
Yellow monster

When riding told [his brothers]: “My elder brother,
Are you taking us where we might be killed,
Or are you taking where we might be left alive?”
[The other one said:] “Now
Abai Geser the Mighty

Is  almost a living god.
If he promised that he would find
A place for us to live in
He won’t kill us, won’t drink our blood,
Won’t eat our  flesh.

The one who follows the words
Of Abai Geser the Mighty
Will  not be hungry for all his life!”
Meanwhile [Geser] caught up with them.
They rode at a trot further, now three of them.

[Geser] said: “I’m taking you
To such land
Where you won’t be cold
In winter  in icy frost.
I found such land for you

Where you won’t feel hot
In  summer in sultry heat!”
[They] were riding thus.
[Geser said] looking around:
“You’ll work just over there!”

“How many people
Are  working here in your place!”
“Well, those are the people who will build
A winter  house. If there were few people
How would they build it in a year?” [He] said.

And then there was this:
“If we are to work here
We have almost reached the place, haven’t we?”
They were joyous coming up nearer.
[There] the thirty three heroes

Were brandishing clubs over  their heads.
When they came up
To the deep hole [in the ground] nearer,
[They saw]: smoking there were
Thirty-three heroes.

“What are you beating?”
That very Daniyal seventy-seven-headed
Yellow monster
Said  the right word.
The eldest hero

Told him:
“We wanted to drag out
That huge stone,
We tried this way and the other but failed!
If to take out and throw away

That huge stone
Then here in this hole
There is no poverty, only luxury,
Here in this hole
There is no orphanage,

In this hole there are
A lot of grazing
Cattle and other animals!”
[The hero] said the right word.
Both the monsters

Came up [to the stone],
Attempted  to drag it out.
They tried this way and the other but failed
Even to move it.
Then Abai Geser the Mighty

Came up,
With only one powerful hand of his
He pulled abruptly and dragged out
That huge stone
And pointing to the deep hole

Said: “Get down!”
To the two monsters.
“Do you want to close us
In this deep black hole?
Do you want to throw us with clatter

To this deep  hole?”
“I have told you: one can be rich there,
There is no poverty!
I have told you: there is only life,
There is no death there!

If you don’t believe my words,
Come and have a look yourselves!”
They came up, had a look
[At that moment Geser] got hold of their legs
And  threw them down to that hole.

The Asurai thirteen-headed
Yellow monster
“I have been telling you:
Brother, where is

Abai  Geser the Mighty taking us? I told you
Not once: let’s think how we can save ourselves?
When shall we be able to escape?
[This] black hole
[Is a trap] for us who came here!”

He said the right word falling down.
Having pushed [into the hole]
A huge quartz stone as big as a bull
[Geser] pressed with it
[Those monsters], that is how it was, they say.